Welcome to Windy City Minyan : a lay-led, egalitarian independent minyan in Chicago.
Grab your siddur, bring your singing voice, and get excited for this community where Chicago-area young adults can comfortably gather and have fun in egalitarian, lay-led prayer, song, and food.
All are welcome to join us on the third Friday evening of every month for our Shabbat service. We consider ourselves to be "wandering Jews," as we do not have a permanent home. For more information on our location each month, please e-mail us at [email protected] or subscribe to our e-mail list below.
Grab your siddur, bring your singing voice, and get excited for this community where Chicago-area young adults can comfortably gather and have fun in egalitarian, lay-led prayer, song, and food.
All are welcome to join us on the third Friday evening of every month for our Shabbat service. We consider ourselves to be "wandering Jews," as we do not have a permanent home. For more information on our location each month, please e-mail us at [email protected] or subscribe to our e-mail list below.