This is your minyan!
We welcome your involvement in Windy City Minyan.
Please contact us at [email protected] if you can help.
Leading services
Can you lead Kabbalat Shabbat or Ma'ariv? Or would you like to learn? We want you!
Giving a Dvar Torah or Dvar Tefilah
Do you have opinions on things? Thoughts on the weekly Torah portion? Have a favorite prayer? We'd love to learn from you.
Does your apartment building have a party room? Does your friend's boyfriend's sister's grandma have a room that we could use? Does your uncle own an art gallery? As a wandering minyan, we are always in need of locations.
Do you live or know of anyone who lives in any of the following locations? These buildings have party rooms we would love to use.
445 W. Wellington
2500 N. Lakeview
2626 N. Lakeview
2650 N. Lakeview
2800 N. Lake Shore Drive
2909 N. Sheridan
2930 N. Sheridan
3100 N. Sheridan
3100 N. Lake Shore Drive
3200 N. Sheridan
3240 N. Sheridan
3450 N. Lake Shore Drive
3600 N. Lake Shore Drive
3930 N. Pine Grove Ave.
655 W. Irving Park Rd.
This is your chance to show the world how good of a chef/baker you are (or how good of a shopper you are!). We welcome your contributions to our oneg after the service - we love any dairy or parve main dishes, appetizers, or desserts. Beer, Wine, and Liquor also welcome.
As an independent minyan, we don't receive funding from any organizations. As some of our spaces cost money, we would welcome any small contribution you might offer to help offset our costs. Donate here
This is your minyan! Please let us know if there's anything we can do to make Windy City Minyan better. Contact us here
Please contact us at [email protected] if you can help.
Leading services
Can you lead Kabbalat Shabbat or Ma'ariv? Or would you like to learn? We want you!
Giving a Dvar Torah or Dvar Tefilah
Do you have opinions on things? Thoughts on the weekly Torah portion? Have a favorite prayer? We'd love to learn from you.
Does your apartment building have a party room? Does your friend's boyfriend's sister's grandma have a room that we could use? Does your uncle own an art gallery? As a wandering minyan, we are always in need of locations.
Do you live or know of anyone who lives in any of the following locations? These buildings have party rooms we would love to use.
445 W. Wellington
2500 N. Lakeview
2626 N. Lakeview
2650 N. Lakeview
2800 N. Lake Shore Drive
2909 N. Sheridan
2930 N. Sheridan
3100 N. Sheridan
3100 N. Lake Shore Drive
3200 N. Sheridan
3240 N. Sheridan
3450 N. Lake Shore Drive
3600 N. Lake Shore Drive
3930 N. Pine Grove Ave.
655 W. Irving Park Rd.
This is your chance to show the world how good of a chef/baker you are (or how good of a shopper you are!). We welcome your contributions to our oneg after the service - we love any dairy or parve main dishes, appetizers, or desserts. Beer, Wine, and Liquor also welcome.
As an independent minyan, we don't receive funding from any organizations. As some of our spaces cost money, we would welcome any small contribution you might offer to help offset our costs. Donate here
This is your minyan! Please let us know if there's anything we can do to make Windy City Minyan better. Contact us here